Springfield Thanksgiving Cluster
November 24-28, 2006
A four-day show held in Springfield, MA on November 24-28th.
Friday Conformation results
- BOB - CH Castlehill's Now Crispin's Brynn (new CH!)
- Reserve - Magequin Blarney's Tallulah
Friday Obedience results and pictures
- CH Taras Water's My Middle Name RN JH (new CD) - 192 score
Saturday Conformation results and pictures
- BOB - Magequin Blarney's Tallulah
- Reserve - Castlehill's Playing The Field
Saturday Obedience results and pictures
- CH Taras Water's My Middle Name RN JH CD - 191 score
Sunday Conformation results and pictures
- BOB - Magequin Blarney's Tallulah
- Reserve - Castlehill's Playing The Field
Sunday Obedience results and pictures
- CH Ballyhoo's Ima Tango Dancer RN JH - 185.5 score